Utilization of the National Building to Increase Regional Original Income of Sungai Penuh City



  • Asti Harkeni
  • M.Rialdi Syaputra Balitbangda Provinsi Jambi


Optimization; Gedung Nasional; Local Revenue; Sungai Penuh City


Sungai Penuh City is a city resulting from the division that has many regional assets that have not been identified and managed properly. One of them is Gedung Nasional, which is a regional asset as a result of the handover from Kerinci Regency in 2021. The purpose of the research is to formulate a model for the utilization of Gedung Nasional as a multi-purpose building and determine the strategy for optimizing the utilization of Gedung Nasional to increase the Regional Original Income of Sungai Penuh City. This study uses a mixed method approach through observation, documentation and interviews with the government, community leaders and filling out a purposive sampling questionnaire. The data analysis tool uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with a Saaty scale approach starting from a weighted value of 1 to 9. The results of the study obtained that the optimization strategy for the utilization of Gedung Nasional to increase the Regional Original Income of Sungai Penuh City is (1) improving/adding facilities and services, (2) providing incentives to levy collectors/managers, (3) requiring the use of Gedung Nasional facility as a standard for Sungai Penuh City physical activity, (4) improving the legal/regulatory system, (5) establishing criteria and evaluating the object of retribution for cooperation with other parties. third parties.

Author Biography

M.Rialdi Syaputra, Balitbangda Provinsi Jambi

ASN Balitabangda, Peneliti



How to Cite

Asti Harkeni, & Syaputra, M. (2022). Utilization of the National Building to Increase Regional Original Income of Sungai Penuh City. Jurnal Khazanah Intelektual, 6(3), 1482–1499. https://doi.org/10.37250/khazanah.v6i3.170